
Saturday, 19 May 2012

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Add-in update

Its been a while, infact a very long time since I blogged about anything....blah..blah..blah

I did some work on a SSMS Add-in for Denali, and I've only just started to look at SQL Server 2012...

Guess what... Its doesn't work! I know that Add-in for SSMS are not supported, but please.. could we have it working between any two versions?!?!

This time, its an easy fix.  The folder the .addin files are being picked up from has been changed.
So instead of looking here; C:\Users\Public\Documents\microsoft\msEnvShared\Addins
Your .AddIn needs to go here instead; C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\AddIns

Very easy to fix, but a pain to find solution. 


  1. I have posted an article with code sample about how to create an add-in. This could have saved you some time, looking for solution :)

    1. To be honest, you did help. You just didnt know it.

      Since there is no documentation on this stuff, I scanned the internet for changes in the .Addin. But I could not find anything! But I did see that you had a working Add-in.

      I downloaded your Addin and found the .Addin is in a new location.

      So many thanks!

      What interests me.. How did you find out where the .Addin should go?

    2. In case it helps, I ended up inadvertently documenting my discovery process when my addin stopped working:

      Basically there's a standard-structure per-product registry location where Visual Studio tracks addin loading paths, and for SSMS 2012 those paths are force-overwritten on every load of SSMS

    3. Ok, nice to know that :) I have just analysed registry and also compared it on x32 and x64 versions. Then made a list of candidate locations and just tried them all the way ;)
