This week I’m taking up a new challenge and moving to Proteo – It’s not only a job change but a relocation up to Norwich. Its a huge change and a big challenge, but its one I’m very much looking forward to.
I am leaving behind my ‘work’ family, all the people I have known over the last 6 years, people I have spent 45 hours week with, through thick and thin, good times and incredibly stressful times. But now with the *unsocial media of Facebook and twitter I can still badger them and try to get them to go to the Southampton SQL Server User Group or the Southampton NxtGen user group.
I would like the thank my close work family (the Guys and Girls in Eastleigh) but also the cousins in Manchester and Stoke. I will miss everyone of you!
I am also temporary leaving behind Zara, Tabitha and Matilda – but not for long, they will be following me up very very soon.
*How social can social networking be, when you do it on your own? Doesn’t that defeat the point of being social?
And Finally in the words of Peter Cook & Dudley Moore…
Goodbye… (YouTube)
“Goodbye, we wish a fond goodbye, fa-ta-ta-ta-ta, fa-ta-ta-ta”
Full Lyrics here (search for goodbye)