
Monday, 30 November 2009

SQL Source Control

Just released a beta of SQL Version Tracker.

It's a version control utility that is integrated into SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and SSMS 2008 Express.

Simply install the Add-in to Management Studio and enable it on your database.

It will track all the changes on the schema of the SQL Server databases.

Feel free to download and try it!! But most importantly give me feedback!!!

SQL Server Version List update (part 2)

I've now added the option to download the SQL Server Version List.

You can download it in XML or CSV formats.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

SQL Server Version List update.

As well as adding a couple of new versions to SQL Server version list to the list, I've added the the ability for people to added any missing versions.

  • Simply go to the SQL Server version list, scroll to the bottom of the list and enter the missing version information

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

New Release of T-SQL Tidy Add-in for SQL Server Management Studio 2008

Beta 2 of the T-SQL Tidy Add-in for SQL Server Management Studio 2008 has just been released.

New features include;
  • Support for SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Express Edition
  • Feedback when T-SQL does not format correctly.
  • Script data to: Update and Upsert now supported.
  • Version checker now added - so you will be alerted when a new version is available.
  • Can now script tables that are called database keywords.
Still on the to do list;
  • Add support for SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.

Monday, 14 September 2009

T-SQL Tidy Add-in for SQL Server Management Studio 2008

I have just released the first (early) ‘beta’ of the T-SQL Tidy Add-in for SQL Server.

The add-in is a collection of 3 free tools;

T-SQL Tidy – Formatter of SQL statements.

SQL Version Checker – Reports the service packs and patches of the SQL Server.

Script Data to.. – Scripts the insert statements for a table to a file or new query window.

Over time I hope to add more tools to the collection.

Feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions for new features.

P.S. Did I mention this is free? Download it now!!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

What version of SQL Server are you running?

I've added a new facility to identify how patched your instance of SQL Server is;

1) Find out your SQL Server version - if you don't know, here is a link to the Microsoft site that will tell you how to.

2) Go to the following "SQL Server Version List" web page.

3) Enter your version number in to the box.

Easy as that!!

Useful SQL:

SELECT @@Version

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')

Sunday, 26 July 2009

New Features

I’ve added a new page to the web site called ‘Experiments’.  This is were I will put new things before they live.

The first Experiment is a ‘T-SQL formatting as you type’ applet. 

Just start typing in the text area and it will create a formatted SQL statement in the area below.  I’m surprised no one has done this before!! 


Moved hosting (at short notice)….

The T-SQL Tidy website has disappeared from its original web host.  I was in the process of updating the site and putting it onto its new home….but it looks like I’ve had to accelerate my plans somewhat.

I’ve decided to go with the new design, although its still ‘fluid’. 

Which is were I ask for feedback! 

I’m going to start work on the next feature-set for T-SQL Tidy, so I would like a bit of feedback about the site.  What features would you like on it? What does work (very well) and what doesn’t work?

All feedback will be award a prize of my respect and adoration for a minimum of 30 working days. No refunds will be given!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Visits from Redmond…

I was obsessively checking my Google Analytics over the weekend when I noticed a hit from Redmond.

I did some digging around and found out it was from Microsoft Corp – In fact it was 4 visits over a couple of months (see pic).  It made me feel smug…. for at least 15 minutes.

Of course, it’s probably some automated bot. But for a couple of moments I thought it could actually be a human, beavering away in a cubicle in Redmond – what a dreamer I am.


Thursday, 4 June 2009

New Web Service, Stats and tracking

Been meaning to do an update for a while. Finally got around to it this morning.

I've created a new Web Service for non-Microsoft (all) clients. It's a simplified version of the existing web service. The test page contains all the source code (Javascript) required for using the Web Service.

Although this site is new (just a few months old), I thought it would be interesting to display the usage statitics. The stats show how many Tidies have been done (for Today, Last 7 days, Last Month and Year).

I've also added a 'Share' button, so people can now add to their favourite social networking site. Please, please, please use it! :-)

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Free hosting coming to an end...

I was just looking at my hosting provider ( and there was an odd message, "Your website is already expired and all files will be deleted soon. Please back up all your files." (in red!).

When I checked the message boards, I found they have changed their free hosting from only having a limit on disk space to now being time limited; 90 days.

Of course the gravy train has to stop somewhere and I can see why being the only company that offer free hosting and be a bit of an overhead.

The long and short of it means that has to move - and I'm going to have to pay! 

Hopefully I will have sorted a new home out before they remove the site completely.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Format your SQL with T-SQL Tidy

Sorry for this shameless self-promotion, but in a vain attempt to attract more visitors to the T-SQL Tidy web site - I'm writting a small piece to advertise my site.

If you want to format / parse or tidy your T-SQL then visiting TSQL Enter your y unformatted SQL into the box on screen then click 'Tidy', your SQL will then be transformed and beautified into well formatted SQL.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Update to SQL Formatting engine..

I think I finally got the sql formatting and parsing engine complete (or as good as its going to get). I've rewritten the way INSERTs are formatted, I was never happy with the way it was done orginally, so now I'm happy with it.

I've also released a tweek for the T-SQL Tidy Utility ( the quick tidy button was not working correctly).

I've done a couple of minor tweeks to the web-site, so hopefully they will get indexed better by search engines. A couple of days ago I noticed I was no longer in the first 10 search results from google. Which is really bizar - one day in the top 10 the next somewhere in the 50's. Not sure what is going on with google at the moment.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Minor Update and Feedback

New formatting option added and updates to the Web Services. I'm also opening up the flood gates to getting feedback. Email or post up options or functionality you would like added. I will publish a wish list, then work on adding all the easy bits of functionality. :-)

Formatting SQL is harder than you think..

I've had a couple of pieces of feedback about the T-SQL Tidy site. One is that the hosting is a bit slow and that the format of the SQL produced is not as good as the SQL generated from SQL Server.

The T-SQL generated by SQL Server when you right click on a table and choose 'Script table as' is much better than the format of the T-SQL after it has been parsed by the formatting engine.

This is true, I don't think it would be possible to format the T-SQL any better than the way SQL Server is doing it. This is because SQL Server understands what it is scripting, the definition of each object (table's and column's) are stored inside SQL Server. T-SQL Tidy has no knowledge of this, it reformats the SQL outside the context of the SQL Server.

I was trying to explain why the formatting engine behind this site is not as good as formatting by hand to a friend of mine. He asked why don't you just insert line breaks after commas? I explained that although an early version of the engine did just that, but its not that simple. Commas are used for separating parameters in internal functions and stored procedures, how do you know when a comma is separating fields or separating parameters in a function?

The answer is you cant. (Okay – you could, but not practical)

So I have added a new option to the site, “Insert New Lines after Commas” - so if you are formatting very simple T-SQL and you want new lines after each field, just enable this tick box.

The hosting is provided by, which is a free hosting site, as it is free I cant complain. It the speed becomes a big issue or it the site becomes too popular, it may need a new home but until then I am happy with

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Format SQL on your desktop.

Inbetween all the normal household chores I've writen the first of (hopefully) many utilites using the T-SQL Tidy web service. The binary and source code are aviable from here. I'm currently working on another utility, which will tidy all the stored procesdures in a database. It should be released in the next few weeks.

I am also working on producing an offline version, but there is no planned release date yet.

I thought I would just note that the domain name also links to - It was only 99p!! I just cant resist a bargin. :-)

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Minor Updates.

I've added cross browser support for cutting and pasting - but there are still some issues with Chrome (details here).

I've updated the feed from blogger to show the first 200 characters of each post. (Source code coming soon)

Updated descriptions on web service methods.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Version 0.1 Released

I've finally put the T-SQL Tidy site live today. It feels like a very long time, but its only been a few weeks from conception to implementation.

As it's only on version 0.1, please feel free to leave feedback or suggestions for improvements.